La Tata Maschio
Expert in education, childhood and creative writing, Lorenzo has created modern versions of fairy tales for the Mustela Limited Editions that will delight young and old.
"Once upon a time, a brand called Mustela was born in the heart of France
along with the very first baby cleansing milk..."
Many million soft-skinned babies have been born since then. The story continues and
the ambition of Mustela remains the same: to stand by parents and empower them.
This time we revisited 4 classic fairy tales and placed modern spins on them.
We are proud to present the specially designed Mustela Fairy Tale Limited Edition.
Let's feel the magical power of these stories and discover our exquisite designs.
La Tata Maschio
Expert in education, childhood and creative writing, Lorenzo has created modern versions of fairy tales for the Mustela Limited Editions that will delight young and old.
T-Rex a pois
Famous illustrator who gave life to our fairy tale characters thanks to some colors and a lot of imagination.